
Love In Action is reaching the unreached people groups in Myanmar with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through sponsoring and working with Grace Theological College in Yangon, Myanmar, and through the sponsorship of indigenous pastors, planting churches and providing Bibles and discipleship materials.  We also help with the care of orphans in Yangon.

Grace Theological College

There are more than 40 million people in Myanmar who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are working with Grace Theological College, a small Christian college in the second capital city of Yangon. As students graduate and go into the mission field, we seek sponsors to support them for $150 a month. Most of the students cannot afford to attend GTC. We need sponsors to help these students prepare for the ministry. Just $30 a month for eight months a year or a $240 one-time gift will completely pay for a college scholarship.

Please help us by sending tax-deductible donations to: Love In Action, P.O. Box 85, Dothan, AL 36302, and write "Myanmar" in the memo of your check. You may also give securely online with PayPal, Venmo, or the Cash App by clicking here.

Planting Churches

Love In Action is planting churches in Myanmar to share the Gospel with unreached people groups. House churches like this one pictured to the left are very effective ways to reach communities. There are more than 40 million people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Myanmar. Please help us share the Gospel with them. Please pray for them.